A Human Insights + Innovation Agency
‘The comedian John Cleese is fond of saying that creativity is a mood. It’s not a talent or special skill and it’s not related to IQ. It’s a practice that takes time and space – “an oasis of quiet for your mind” – where you can explore and play.
In many ways being curious and creative means rediscovering the state of being that comes so naturally to children. “What if we…”, “Imagine that…”, “Let’s pretend…” are phrases that come so easily when we’re young, but so much harder when we’re grown up.
Cultivating Curiosity is a great resource to help us nurture curiosity in ourselves and in our workplaces. I challenge you to read it, and then be a rebel, a sleuth, or a play-maker. Not only will you make an impact in your business, you might just have some fun along the way.’
Kylie Bishop
Group Executive People, Culture & Sustainability
'In this book, athlete, author, and creativity consultant, Evette Cordy, has given us a practical set of exercises comprising a "total body workout" of our curiosity muscles. Cordy quotes Shunryu Suzuki, which sets the tone for a business book that is very Zen.
Cordy's writing is minimalist, well-edited, elegant and spare. She gives us these gifts, modestly and without fluff. She offers something valuable - cultivating these six curiosity mindsets will undoubtably lead to more innovation and impact in our professional and personal lives.'
Cate Harding
Customer Experience Guru
‘In this powerful and exciting book, Evette Cordy shares the lessons she’s learned over a lifetime of helping others to unlock their innate creativity. Combining breakthrough insights, impactful stories and usable tools, Evette masterfully explains how innovation is a learnable process that begins when a life is lived with curiosity.
Applying curiosity in our everyday lives allows us to discover and understand problems more thoroughly. As the first crucial step in the creative problem-solving process, problem-finding opens the door to innovative and imaginative new solutions.
Readers will find helpful tools for building curiosity skills and living a curious life. This book is definitely not a skim read; you won’t be able to put it down after your first peek.’
Min Basadur
Founder Basadur Applied Creativity, Author of Power of Innovation, Design-Centred Entrepreneurship & Flight to Creativity
‘The world is divided into two types of people: those that know it all, and those that are still learning. If, like me, you fall into the second category, then curiosity is the behaviour that you need to adopt to start bridging that gap. This book will start you on the journey of better understanding this critical concept and how to apply in your business.’
Daryl Bussell
CEO Luv-A-Duck
‘Curiosity is, and always will be, a core leadership competency. For those looking to design success into their teams and culture, this book is a great growth hack. A no-nonsense guide to leveraging intellectual curiosity as your secret weapon.’
Cambell Holt
Head of Growth
'As a friend and mentor, I’ve known for years that Evette has a lot to give. In this book, “Cords” is in fine form. She is magnetic, adventurous, bold and thoroughly disinterested in mediocrity! This book is for use in the home, office, boardroom, or anywhere you please. If you see yourself as a remarkable contributor then apply what you learn.'
Cathy Freeman
Olympic & World 400m Champion